The Y-Files Archive

Here's how it all began - one innocent comment posted by Chickie, and it blew out of proportion! I must warn you, there is some documentation missing, but you can read what's here, and get a fairly good picture in reference to what the whole thing's about. Oh, and if you decide to become a part of the madness, please take the time to think up a good nickname... :)

Anyway, now's as good a time as any - begin!

For those of you who were here last remember how much we yakked. WELL this year I know that I have been to busy to Yak. See you round everyone.

*laughs* I think we're ALL too busy to talk much. I wonder what happened. Did school just get harder, or did we find too many other things to do, or maybe the yakamonster just scared every one away?
*looks around suddenly nervous* Did you hear something? No? Okay.
*keeps an eye out anyway* Yakamonsters make me nervous. Maybe if we flood the place we can scare IT away instead.
You're sure you didn't hear anything? Cause I could have sworn.....AAAAHHHHHH! *runs away screaming from the yakamonster*

Give me a break. You have a funny sense of humor.

*Clam comes in a door at the side, and looks around* Enara? E-NAR-A! Are you in here?
*scratches head* That's funny, I could have sworn I heard her in here...Wait, what was that? It sounded sort of like...AAAAAAHHH!! IT'S THE YAKAMONSTER!! *runs, screaming, from a large, purple Yeti*

*pokes her head out of her hiding place cautiously* A "funny sense of humor"..... Isn't that the only kind to have? I mean, if you can't find something "funny", you don't have a sense of humor. So isn't that the only kind of humor there is. (well besides the gross, crude jokes that go around all the time in regular schools =oD )
*hears a noise* =oS I think I'd better go now......=oO AAHHHHHHH!!! *runs out of the room again*

*the theme song to Mission Impossible plays as she drops from the roof of the secret hideout, dressed in black clothes and wielding a flashlight. Sneaks around a little bit, scouting for danger.*
Okay everybody, you can come out now. The Yakamonster's gone....for now.
*seriously* I just got a message from head quarters, there is a giant purple yakamonster on the loose. It's terrorizing the students, and scaring them away from the discussion list.
Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is...(do do doooo) get rid if the yakamonster. For those who choose to accept, further instructions will follow.

Now, who's with me?!

*Clam looks around from outside a cardboard box* Where's that music coming from? Oh, it's you, Enara! Well, I agree...*getting out of the box, though cautiously*...The Yakamonster has to be stopped, at all costs, whether they be lives, voices, or free time and sanity!! I'm with you to the end!!
*a scuffling is heard in the background, and both Enara and Clam look around, petrified, and then try to hide behind the cardboard box*

I'm new here and the yakamonster is a new one on me.But I don't like the big,bad and ugly on my turf,so if you need anything I'll help.

*Clam and Enara peek out from behind the cardboard box* Thanks Scorpion. Your help will be appreciated very much! The yakamonster or yak-a-monster, is a large purple monster that is running around the chat area, keeping others from speaking. Our plan is to some how scare away the monster. Any ideas?
*another noise is heard and all three hide again*

*Clam whispers to the others, so as not to alert the Yakamonster to their presence* We need to get more people on our side, that's what we've got to do! Strength in numbers, right? And maybe we should try to track down Marg, Warrior Princess and enlist her help...
*a rustling and grunting is heard, and Clam ducks* Oh cripes, he's awake!!!

*after a moment of silence she thinks it might be safe so she whispers back* That sounds like a good idea. And we most definitely need more people! But how do we get them to come out and help with the yakamonster around? *hears another grunt and some rustling so she hides again*

*Chickie walks in the room "hey where is everyone?" hears a noise jump 100 feet in the air and jumps behind a box ,(ooof crash bang ) Oh hi, says I. Hi, says Enara, Clam and Scorpion. I know how to get more people send them all personal messages.* *All four hear other noise and jumps and quiets down a LOT.*

*Grunting is heard as the Yakamonster wakes up and Scorpion peeks out from behind the box*Oh man dats big. I can see why he scares people off.
The way I see it is we have to target it's weaknesses. We already know it doesn't like people talking but what else dose it not like. Enara you seem to have the most experience with it so please help us out a little what else is there.

Yeah, I agree. Enara, what do you think? *there's no reply, and Clam looks around, confused* Enara? E-NAR-A! Where'd she go? Uh oh, you don't think...*she looks at the others* you don't figure the Yakamonster got her...Do you?

*Enara is hanging from the ceiling caught in some rope, calls down to the others* I'm up here guys. I guess I jumped too high. *grimaces*
*struggles a bit, the ropes let loose and she falls* Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! *into a pile of boxes* ¡poof¡ *looks up* Hey! I'm aaalllliiivvveee!
Sorry about that, now what else doesn't it like. *thinks really hard while the others lean forward waiting.*!=o) =o( Yah! If I remember correctly, it doesn't like talking, tickles, or MARSHMALLOWS!!!!

*Clam adopts a look of utter confusion* Marshmallows?!? It doesn't like marshmallows?!? Does that mean that it doesn't like graham crackers and chocolate? 'Cuz if so, we could make some smores and have a party!!
*a loud roar is heard* ACK! *Everyone jumps into the cardboard box, and cowers within*

*quietly confides to all those in the box* No, it doesn't like graham crackers and chocolate. It just doesn't like marshmallows. The poofy sweetness of marshmallows melts the monsters hard, bitter, and repulsive outer shell. It can't stand people seeing what it's really like inside so it runs away. And hopefully never comes back. Now we need to find a way to get A LOT of MARSHMALLOWS. *the others shush her outburst quickly* Oh, sorry. Guess I shouldn't have eaten the last bag of marshmallows I had. =oD

OH NO!! WHERE ARE WE GOING TO GET MARSHMALLOWS NOW??!?! I guess we'd better go marshmallow hunting... *Pink Panther music comes on, and Clam grabs a big stick (you know, the kind you put marshmallows on to toast them over the fire?)*
I'll meet you all back here - I've got some marshmallows to catch! *slinks off cautiously, stick wielded*

You sayin' we need marshmallows. Oh brother I'm not use to this. So all we need is marshmallows and then we can have a BarBQ. Okay, fine I'll do my best and see what I can dig up.


These files were deleted, sorry for any inconvinience - We found out that Marshmallow Season didn’t start until just before the Spring Holidays, Scorpion spied on the Yakster, obtaining quite a bit of useful information, and Onandais entered the picture. Christina might have, too.


Scorpion Delta583: Stay calm we can work out a plan
Onandais Alpha159: *Flips open his laptop and starts to work on somthing*
Scorpion Delta583: What are you doing?
Onandais Alpha159: Working on a program that might help us get that stuff back.
Scorpion Delta583: How are you going to do that?
Onandais Alpha159: Make the program hack the mainframe of the school find there trash can file rumage through all that and see if I can't get a hlod of at least some of the information.
Scorpion Delta583: Are you sure you can do it I mean like what if they anti-hacker protection then what.
Onandais Alpha159: Well then my laptop either fries and dies or I find someway to shut it down before it gets me.
Scorpion Delta583: Well I guess it's worth a shot but be careful and don't screw around with anything.
Onandais Alpha159: Heh heh heh*He chuckles to him self as he sets to work*

*pokes her head up from the boxes* Cool it guys. treid is saving it all and going to put it in a better format so others can read it to. *smiles* Relaxe......then again maybe not. There's somthing in the shadows moving, I think Yaky's back.


At least one was also deleted here - Clam (aka me) got attacked by the Yakamonster, and covered in green goop from where marshmallows hit it.


Onandais Alpha159: He's bigger than I remember him.
Scorpion Delta583: Don't just stand there ya' fool come on lets help her out.
Onandais Alpha159: Oh yeah right. Oops. I guess what Enara said means I can shut down that program I was makeing.
Scorpion Delta583: Yeah sure dude whatever.

Get off of her now * Chickie scares Yacky so bad he runs yelping with tail betwwen legs. My bat is a litle worse for wear. but hey.....
Chickie: Hey all I'm bringin' in my friend Sally.
Sally: I thought I might be able to help y'all.
Chickie: Thanx for coming I appreciate it.

*watches the Yakamonster run off* Cheea! We really need to look after him quick.
*Blaze her cat comes trotting in and rubs on Enara's legs* Hey Blaze, ready to kick some Yakamonster butt? *picks her up and sets her on her shoulders* Everybody, Blaze. Blaze, every body. Oh, and just a warning, she can be pretty nasty when she wants to be. *Blaze gives a cat's imitation of a smirk*

Scorpion Delta583: Hey wus' up! How ya'all doin'?
Onandais Alpha159: *click,click,ka-chuck*
Scorpion Delta583: Yo man you got it!
Onandais Alpha159: Of course Now I'm really ready to kick some yakamonster butt.*ka-chunck, ka-chunck*
Scorpion Delta583: Well then lets go get him
*Laughing is heard from the dark and a figure appears*
Scorpion & Onandais Alpha159: HAWK*both surprised*
Scorpion Delta583: How'd you get here?
Hawk Kilo264: I followed Onandais.
Onandais Alpha159: Oh man, why?
Hawk Kilo264: I had to find out what was going on and by the looks of it, it's going real good.
Scorpion Delta583: Down boy. Look we are in the middle of something big...
Hawk Kilo264: I'll say.
Scorpion Delta583: No not that. Now shut it off or I'll cut it off. This is way bigger than you think.
Hawk Kilo264: Okay, fine so uh fill me in what's going down....

*looks to Hawk* The Yakamonster hopefully. We have our stash of mallows to melt off his hide, and right now we're, well supposed to be, working on this fort you see before you half finished. *smiles* Want to help build the fort? *tapes another box to the others then looks to Hawk waiting for a reply* *scratches Blaze, her cat's, head*

*chucks a roll of duct tape to Hawk* If you wanna stay, help. We've got to get this fort finnished, and quick! Yaka-proofing's not gonna be easy, and we've already seen that we need to do some more (BTW, thanks everybody!).

Hawk Kilo264: A monster I've heard some crazy things but that's crazy!
*Suddendly the yakamonster jumps Hawk from behind. Then the yakamonster feels the cold steel of a Magnum 44 (pellet gun) And commands the yakamonster to move away*
Scorpion Delta583: Alright big boy move it or lose it.
Hawk Kilo264: Okay now I've seen every thing. Okay I'm with you*picks up a roll of tape*Yo dude were did you get the Mag.

Yeah, that's what I'm wondering, too!! At any rate, it'll come in handy! Good thing the Yakster understands English...
Nice to have you on the team, Hawk! Welcome aboard!! :)


I think there’s one missing here, too, but I can’t remember what happened in it, so it must not be too important... :)


Scorpion Delta583: It's crazy
Hawk Kilo264: It's wild
Onandais Alpha159: And you are nuts
Scorpion & Hawk Kilo264: Yep

I know I'm crazy, *whispers* Just don't tell the guys in the white coats. They're nice, but I think the could use a little help themselves.*looks at the now practically complete fort* So what d'ya think?

Clam-Chowder: It looks great!! Well done, gang! :)

Hawk Kilo264: Hey got a friend who works for a hardware store and I get tons of great discounts on all kinds of things I'll see if I can get some better building supplies.*Runs off*
Scorpion Delta583: *Shouts after him*Try to get in touch with Josh. I don't think he heard me.
Onandais Alpha159: Hey I think I found out why the yakamathing hasn't said anything yet, the translator looks to be disabled and completely shut down.
Scorpion Delta583: Can you fix it?
Onandais Alpha159: Yeah but there's a problem with that
Scorpion Delta583: What problem?
Onandais Alpha159: He's big, purple, hates marshmellows, weights like 720lbs, worse than an angry bear and he's right behind you.
*Woosh. Bang,crack,snap,fizzle,fizzle,spark,pow.*

Cheea! Not again....*whips out her sling shot Dennis the Mennis style and loads it with a mallow. Aims it at the Yakamonster and let's it rip. The mallow makes contact with the monster, instantly melting it where it hit. Amid the smoke and flying ooze, the Yakamonster is heard "screaming" (as I can't think of a better way to put it). When the smoke clears, slimy foot prints can be seen runnin away and slowy dissapearing*

*Clam laughes a little* Hey, you're covered in it now, too!! LOL! *looks at Scorpion, who's now covered in bright green slime.* You'll wanna get that out ASAP, it stains like you wouldn't believe!!

Scorpion Delta583: It dosen't matter really.
Onandais Alpha159: My laptop that thing busted my laptop.
Scorpion Delta583: So what!
Onandais Alpha159: That was one of the two ways to get the translator operating again.
Scorpion Delta583: And the other way is?
Onandais Alpha159: Up close and personal for half an hour.
Hawk Kilo264: I got got a lot of wood,hammers,nails and some shingles too.
*Indiana jones music can be heard as the three-some pick up sling shots and marshmellows and set out to find the yakamonster.

Hey, guys, wait for me!! *Clam runs over, bottle in hand* This stuff'll put him to sleep for a while, especialy in one of these. *puts the contents of the bottle into a Super Soaker*
Don't worry, I've got good aim. You don't mind if I come, do you?

*calls after the departing group* Blaze and I'll stay here and hold down the fort. Be carefull, and may the Christ/Force be with you. *thinks "oh oh. I'm going into the Jedi thing again." Looks to Blaze.(her cat)* Come on babe, let's get Star Wars. * the two dissapear inside the fort for a moment, then come back out. Enara dresed in Jedi stuff, lightsaber (it's fake but Yaka doesn't know that) at hip. Blaze half stumbles out, not too happy with what Enara did to her. Now, instead of her gray and white, she is green and looks very much like a cat style Yoda. Blaze parks her rear on a box and glares at anything that moves, daring them to make a remark about how she looks. Enara sits down on the other side of the fort, keeping her senses open for the returning group, or the Yakamonster, who ever shows up first, marshmallow ready in her slingshot. Just in case*

Hawk Kilo264: So you think we'll really find the yakamonster?
Scorpion Delta583: Yeah can't be to hard could it?
Onandais Alpha159: It be a lot easyer if he hadn't broke my laptop.
Scorpion Delta583: Why's that?
Onandais Alpha159: Because I could get into a G.P.S. satillite system and used it to help us find him ..
Hawk Kilo264: How!
Onandais Alpha159: By using it's thruster controls to manipulate it's flight path.
Hawk Kilo264: Do you know how many fail-safes they got for that to make sure that dosn't happen?
Onandais: Hey your looking at the guy who took on the Pentagon mianframe for 5 minutes.
Scorpion Delta583: Here he goes again computer hacker extraordinar.
Onandais Alpha159: Of course and why not? Everyone has a hobby.
Hawk Kilo264: Yeah but not everyone tries to hack into the military hardware of the states.
Onandais Alpha159: Yeah but all that is just for fun.
Scorpion Delta583: WHAT? You mean to tell me that the Pentalgon and F.B.I. is for FUN!
Onandais Alpha159: Hey keep it quiet okay we have a lady with us. And a potential hazard to me.
Hawk Kilo264: *Looks at Clam*She talks and I'll rip her lungs out.
Onandais Alpha159: Sound fair okay good. Then it's agreed you keep on going and she won't say a thing.
Scorpion Delta583: Not like it matters really, I mean with Star Jumper and all.
Onandais Alpha159: That's right they'd be at it for months and still never find me...
Scorpion Delta583: Hold up,I hear something coming but it's not an animal it sounds more...........

*in a low voice* Mechanical? Wierd. Oh, and about the hacking thing, don't worry, I wouldn't tell anyone anyway. I wish _I_ knew how to do that kinda stuff!! :)
But what do you think's stalking us? I hope Yakky's not learned how to drive...

Scorpion Delta583: I hope not because if he has we are toast.
Onandais Alpha159: Don't forget that a vehicle would sheild him from marshmellow attacks.
Hawk Kilo264: Yeah it would also make a mess in the interior of the car.
Scorpion Delta583: Well if he has learned how to drive let's hope it's not a truck.
Onandais Alpha159: Hello and what have we here.
Scorpion & Hawk: Huh???
Onandais Alpha159: Oh uh it's just well I uh found some kind of signal like for a radio except too weak for a radio to pick up, like a remote control signal, only it's lower than that as well.
Scorpion Delta583: How low are you saying it is?
Onandais Alpha159: It's on a 10 KHz band width. That would be the a.m band on the radio.
Hawk Kilo264: Can signal that low be detected.
Onandais Alpha 159:It can if you know what your looking for I tripped on this by accident.
Scorpion Delta583: So what's genterating this and where's it going?
Onandais Alpha159: That I don't know but I'll see if I can find out.

*Blaze and Enara, still at their posts, stare blankly about them. Waiting for something to happen. (like the group to come home) Blaze, resigned to her fate for the moment is curled up on a box, half a sleep. Enara, leans againsed the fort, slingshot in her lap, drawing pictures in the dust*

*Enara sits up after dozeing off for a while, suddenly aware of the long silence. Starting to get worried, she stands a walks around the fort, looking for signs that the group had come back or something. Finding nothing but a few fresh cat tracks she heads into the fort. She nabs a pair of electrobinoculars and climbs to the top of the look out post in the trees. Holding them up to her eyes, she scans the land around her. Hoping to find her freinds. Not seeing them, she climbs back down and walks over to Blaze.*

Hey babes. I'm starting to worry about those guys....*Blaze sneezes and yawns* Do you think I should go find them and see if they are in trouble? *Blaze gives kind of a shrug and lays down for a cat nap. Enara just stands there for a moment, pondering what to do.*

Chickie sneaks up behind Enara and yells BOOOO. Enara spins around (totally freaked out) and starts shooting marshmallows at her, who was prepared and gets out her Gopherbomb launcher and starts shooting marshmallows at Enara.

Scorpion Delta583: Man where could something that big hide.
Hawk Kilo264: Anywhere but here.
Scorpion Delta583: So I've noticed. Have you locked down that signal yet Onandais?
Onandais Alpha159: Ya uh it's coming from Edmonton, north side and stops around here.
Scorpion Delta583: That's odd there's nothing here. *A growling sound behind them.*
Hawk Kilo264: Except for him.........again.
Scorpion Delta583: Marshmallows up.....FIRE.

*the Yakamonster runs off screaming, leaving Scorpion, Onandais, Hawk, and Clam covered in green goop* Ew! Man, we've got to get ponchos!!!
We didn't get to the translator again, either. *cringe* I guess we'll just have to wait, and figure out what that radio wave is...

Onandais Alpha159: Well it didn't move at all, it's still right here.
Hawk Kilo264: But what is it?
Onandais Alpha159: I don't know! Hey there's that mechcanical noise again and the signal boosted in power as well.
Scorpion Delta583: So that means what ever it is, is right below us.
Hawk Kilo264: Break out the shovels boys and girl we've got some diggin' to do.

Okey dokey *grabs a shovel and starts digging, then hits something in a big wooden box*
Hey, what's this? *opens it up, revealing four ponchos* Awesome! We'll need these later... :)

Onandais Alpha159: Well I'll record an hour of the message an see if it can be turned into an audio file.
Hawk Kilo264: Well you sound right, I mean it happens with radio stations all the time.
Onandais Alpha159: True to a piont. Radio brodcasts basically start as an audio file on a CD or cassette tape.
Scorpion Delta583: So can this converted.
Onandais Alpha159: If it starts as an audio yes, if not then no it'll just be a bunch of noise.
Hawk Kilo264: Well I guess we'll have to wait and see.

*After realizing it was only Chickie who yelled boo, and not the Yakamonster suddenly speaking english, she stopped shooting mallows at her.*

Oh, it's just you. Well not JUST you, I mean....*stops to think out what she is going to say* Thank heavens you're not the Yakamonster.

Okay, I'm going to read for a while (I need to get a start on my book report...) - Tell me if you need any help or if that radio-wave thing proves usefull to us. :)

Onandais Alpha159: I don't think useful is the word I would choose to describe this.
Hawk Kilo264: Why not.
Onandais Alpha159: Because it's or rather was a miltitary incripted code.
Scorpion Delta583: The military? What interest do they have out here.
Onandais Alpha159: Wide open spaces for training exercises I'm guessing
Scorpion Delta583: Great. Now we have another thing to possibly worry about.

Either that or there's some sort of cover-up concerning the Yakamonster - I mean, I don't think the government would really want people to know there was a huge purple yeti running around. They may not know it's weakness, though, which is why they'd be trying so hard to keep it under wraps.

Maybe the yakamonster is actually one of the students in disguise... maybe one of you????

Onandais Alpha159: That is a possibility, But what about the military. They haven't left yet.
Hawk Kilo264: I heard something going on and I don't thing they were shooting blanks.
Onandais Alpha159: Like you!
Scorpion Delta583: It is a valid point, but I don't think that's what we are dealing with. Although......

who can you trust???

*getting bored just hanging around holding the fort down, she decides to get a little more into her Jedi roll. She roots around the fort area for materials to build a real lightsaber. She finds the tools and metal she needs. As well as some bits of mirror and wires for conductors. All she needs now are the cristals used in lightsabers.
Thinking for a moment on where to get these, she remembers that she had found some awhile ago and put them in her pocket. Pulling them out she sits down and starts working on her lightsaber. She looks up and around every once in a while as she works, still keeping an eye on everything.

Blaze, getting sick of her costume, starts to groom herself to remove it.*

*warningly* keep that on, or I'll make you be R2-D2 again.

*Blaze emediatly stops grooming. She hated this, but she hated the R2 costume a LOT more. She sends a withering glare to Enara, then starts prowling the area. Keeping watch for trouble*

Scorpion Delta583: You have a piont there. But there sdomething eles going on and Ican't quite put it into words right now but it's reallyt getting under my skin.
Onandais Alpha159: Like that tick.
Scorpion Delta583: Were?
Onandais Alpha159: Ha ha got ya' there.
Hawk Kilo264: Yo Onandais give us an update on the signal.
Onandais Alpha159: It's like a bee hive of activity something big is going on and it's ready to explode.
Scorpion Delta159: Although...

Although what, Scorpion?

Well, if you're questioning who you can trust, just so you know, you CAN trust me. And Chickie and Enara are holding down the fort at the moment - I suppose they're not beyond suspicion right NOW, but they were also present every time there was a Yak-attack, as was Scorpion, and Onandais, for a couple. Hawk and you were present for Yak-attacks, too - weren't you? Anyway, I don't see how it could be anything but a monster, though someone may be controling it like in that one X-Files where there was a planned community and everything had to be uniform or some big goopy thing would come after you and kill you. Did you guys see that one? I suppose the guy couldn't CONTROL it, persay, but that's not to say that that can't happen...

Scorpion Delta583: Onandais, you still have that marshmellow gun you brought a while ago?
Onandais Alpha159: No why?
Scorpion Delta583: Because it could be useful.
Hawk Kilo264: How?
Scorpion Delta583: It uses air pressure to fire projectiles right? So allwe have to do is put in a rock or two fire them way over there to that croud of men and when the rocks hit ground they'll make some kind of noise and that could destract them for awhile.
Hawk Kilo264: What good is that?
Onandais Alpha159: With them busy we could slip away without being noticed.
Scorpion Delta583: Exactly. Then we can reload the marshmellows and hunt for you know who.

Enara and Blaze continue to bicker while guarding the fort, completely unaware that somebody or something is lurking around them. Suddenly, Enara notices the shadow and feels a presence right behind her. She turns around and screams!

Blaze looks at Enara like she is crazy! *What's wrong with you? It's only Aurora!*

Onandais Alpha159: Who wants yakamonster stew.
Scorpion Delta583: Good you got it.
Hawk Kilo264: Now if we can find the yakamonster we'll can raost him.
Onandais Alpha159: Remember it's only single fire, which meens every time I fire I'll have drop another marshmellow down into it.
Scorpion Delta583: And don't forget the fact that it needs air pressure in order to fire.
Onandais Alpha159: If I could find a way of getting continuous air pressure and a quick reload it wouldn't be a problem.
Hawk Kilo264: Well what about a small air compressor inside of the air tank and a hose of some kind that you put the marshmellows in and the pressure form the tank shoots and reloads the marshmellows automaticly.
Onandais Alpha159: Not a bad idea exept they don't make air compressors this small. Not to mention the space I would lose by having an air compressor inside the tank. But it is a good idea.
Scorpion Delta583: But an air compressor also makes noise and lots of it which meens we wouldn't be able to sneek up on the yakamonster.
Hawk Kilo264: #&%*
Scorpion Delta583: Chill out it was still a good idea.

Aurora inspects the fort. *What are these, marshmallows? EEEEEWWWWWW! I hate marshmallows!!!!*

*still a little stund from her scare*

Yah, marshmallows. We have a Yakamonster problem and that's like almost the only way to get rid of it. *as an after thought* And it's a good thing for you that I havn't finnished this yet. *shakes her unfinnished lightsaber in reference*

Scorpion Delta583: So how well do you think that thing will work anyway?
Onandais Alpha159: I honestly don't know I've never tested it.
Hawk Kilo264: So do a test fire right here.
Onandais Alpha159: I guessit's worth a shot.*shrug*
Hawk Kilo264: 20 feet not bad.
Scorpion Delta583: We won't need that much but alright at least it works. What about you Clam you've been pretty quiet over there what's your opinion.
Hawk Kilo264: your right she has been quite. Fortgot you were here.
Hawk Kilo264: Shut-up Onandais.
Scorpion Delta583: He has a point Hawk you do chase anything with two feet and a heart beat.
Hawk Kilo264: Grrrrrrrr

*Clam looks dazed* Huh? Oh, I was just kind of thinking...Like, what if we got some sort of net, filled it with marshmallows, lured the Yakster under it, and then, instead of having to shoot and reload, we could just shoot whatever's holding the net up, and it would fall, both capturing the yakamonster and showering him with marshmallows simultaniously. But to do that, we'd have to figure out what he actualy _LIKES_...

how do you know its a him? it could a her? :o)

*turns around* Hey Aurora! WHen'd you get here?

Yeah, I suppose that's a little biased - we just sorta assumed it was a "he". Anyway, do YOU know what the Yakamonster likes?

Hawk Kilo264: How bout we interview him.Ha ha ha.
Scorpion Delta583: Funny well he likes to terrorize us so we could tease him until he's under the net.
Onandais Alpha159: Let me guess I'm the one who has to shoot down the net right?
Scorpion Delta583: you got it. Now where can we find a net? Any ideas?

I DO, I DO!! *Clam reaches into her backpack and produces a large, strong-looking net*
And my mom thought this wouldn't come in handy! :) The weave is big enough that the yakamonster'll be pelted by marshmallows, but small enough that they won't all fall out. Also, there are loops on the corners, see? That's for tying weights on to keep the Yakster down. It's large enough to cover him (or her), and strong enough to restrain him/her.

I dunno... what's the opposite of marshmallows?

Hmmm... Maybe spinnach or brussel sprouts or something? Ooh, ooh! What about liver?

Scorpion Delta583: please I'm struggling to keep my stomach calm.
Onandais Alpha159: I don't know I mean like I'm having 2nd thoughts
Hawk Kilo264: No time to back out now it's all the way or you’re toast. Make your choice.
Onandais Alpha159: Don't really have one do I, I'm the gunner.*Geez, guns I hate this situation*

Hey, the sooner we get this over with, the sooner the Yakamonster is reduced to a pink, fluffy bunny or something. I say we've come too far to back out! What do you say, guys? Let's pelt the Munster with marshmallows!!

Hawk Kilo264: I'm with her.
Onandais Alpha159: Your with anything that says female.
Scorpion Delta583: Look you two stop nailing each other like that, you might find that you like each other.
Onandais Alpha159: Well they say you hurt the one you er-hem
Hawk Kilo264: Whoa that's more then I ever wanted to know.
Scorpion Delta583: It is true that they do say that. Anyway haveyou prefected your aim with that thing Onandais?
Onandais Alpha159: It's about as good as it's going to get.
Hawk Kilo264: Ya' know this just hit me....
Onandais Alpha159: Did it hurt?
Hawk Kilo264: WHAT?
Onandais Alpha159: Darn didn't hit you hard enough, your still talking.
Hawk Kilo264: Whatever anyway like I was saying all this chat and we don't really know each other. I mean like we know personalities but not who we are to start it of I'll go first. We all know each others names so hobbies, music, stuff like that.
Hobbies: Modle building, Wilderness shooting(Camera ONLY)Mechanics.
Music: Rock
relaxation: Reading, playing games and sleeping.
I'm in grade 11 and gearing up for collage
Onandais Alpha159: You forgot one of your hobbies....GIRL CHASING AND
Hobbies: Computers, Programing, and computer electronics
Music: Anything that's on the radio exept country.
Relaxation: Almost anything to do with computers.
I'm in grade 11 and ready for anything.
Scorpion Delta583: *SMACK*You weren't ready for that.
Hobbies: Modle building, reading, computer games and console games.
Music: Just about anything but country and manufactured bands.
Relaxation: Read, sleep, meander or wonder around do absolutly nothing.
I'm grade 11 and ready for the next grade.
Hawk Kilo264: Now you now want I mean so please follow along.

Okey dokey, I guess I'm next:

Hobbies: Rock collecting, reading, writing, website-building (my temporary one is at )
Music: Rock and classical, mostly - I can't stand dance, hiphop, country, boy bands (ew!), or most rap, but I think Eminem's stuff is kinda funny (of course, I take the same oppinion with Rob Zombie's stuff, so...)
relaxation: Reading, playing card games, watching TV or movies, surfing, etc...
I'm in grade 9 and looking foreward to high school!

What about you Aurora? AU-ROR-A!!! Huh, where'd she go?


There’s some stuff missing here - I suggested that it might be a good idea if we had some means of communication between the Fort and ourselves, and I offered to be a “swift rider” (read The King’s Swift Rider by Mollie Hunter and you’ll understand fully).


*getting extreamly bored with simply watching the fort where nothing happens, Enara starts looking around through the fort for interesting things that might be there. While looking under a particularly colourful box, much to her surprise, she find 2 walky-talkies and a radio for the home base*

Cool, these would be helpfull in getting word around the group. Now....if only I could get the two out to them.

*she puts batteries in all three things, and then sits to try and think up a way to get the out groups attention.*

Hawk Kilo264: Hey my brother has those walkie-talkie head sets.
Scorpion Delta583: Good, can you get a hold of them?
Hawk Kilo264: Yeah sure no problem
Onandais Alpha159: How well do they work
Hawk Kilo264: I don't think they've spent more than 2 hours out of the box.They are miliarty green camouflage and have multiple frequenices.
Onandais Alpha159: Not bad be sure to remember them. Did you just hear somthing???

*just then, a grey horse comes out of the bushes* Storm! Where'd you come from? You're not supposed to sneak up on us like that, we thought you were the yakamonster!

So, does that mean I get the job? Awesome!! Talk to you guys later, I'm gonna go check up on Enara!! *Clam jumps on Storm and rides off in the dirrection of the fort*

*Enara walks around outside, bored out of her mind.*

Why did I ever say I would just stay here and watch the fort. It's not like anything happens here now.

*trips over something*

Ow. Hey who put that there...*looks closer at what it is* Hey it's a net! I wonder what I could use this for...*at that moment she hears a rustling in the trees. Instantly she has a mallow and a slingshot out and ready - aimed at the trees where she heard the noise. She stands there waiting for whatever, or whoever to show their face*

*Clam and Storm emerge from the trees, and see Enara, wielding a marshmallow* YIKES! Don't shoot! I don't think we've got a whole whack of marshmallows that we can spare... :)

So, what's been happening here? *spotting the net* Hmm, we seem to have a lot of these...Hey!! You could make a trap, too! *quickly explains what she was talking about, then goes on:* Oh, and we can keep in touch better pretty soon - Hawk's brother has really good walkie-talkies, and we might be able to borrow them. Did you have any run-ins with the Yakster lately? We haven't seen him for a while, which is weird, seeing as he was attacking us constantly before. And where did Aurora and Chickie go? Weren't they here with you?

I have no idea where they went. They keep disapearing on me......hmmmmmm. Nah. Couldn't be. *looks to the net* A trap.....I could set it up over the entrance to the fort, load it with mallows, keeping some for firing purposes. Then when Old Yaky comes aound, we tempt him under the fort's door, and PRESTO. Yaka ala melt! As for walky talkies, I found a couple myself. They're in the fort at the moment.

*picks up the net* Sound good to you?

*picks up the other end of the net* Sounds great to me! Hey, and the more walkie talkies we have, the better. Maybe you could use yours to keep track of Chickie and Aurora or something - depending on how many Hawk's bro has. If he has five, then all those who we can keep track of will be able to communicate with each other or whatever. Anyway, lets get this net up and load mallows into it!

*they carry the net over to the fort entrance, and then Enara secures one end of the net. She hands a loose end to Clam*

Hold this and don't let go. If you do then we have to tie up that end again.

*then Enara fills the net with mallows. After this, she takes the end back from Clam and seccures the other end of the net as well. It is set up in such a way that if the loose end is pulled, then net will fall, flipping so that the Yakamonster is trapped and pelted with long as the Yakamonster is under the net*

Thank the force for a little inginuity. Now, all we need is some bait.....*looks around* Where are those guys when you need em? We could use one of them for bait. Hey?

*Hawk jumps out from no where*
Hawk Kilo264: YEAAAAA
Both Enara and Clam freak out. Hawk starts laughing and almost ends up in intensive care.
Onandais Alpha159: We have four, three head sets and one stationary.
Scorpion Delta583: Somethings bothering me though about the Yakster we haven't seen him in ages I wonder what he's doing.
Hawk Kilo264: He's licking his wounds most likely.
Scorpion Delta583: Well I to have a plan to get the Yakster, only mine will work in the bush instead of at base. Hawk you like to play death sports right, so you tackle and restrain and Onandais and I will pop the marshmellows into him.
Scorpion Delta583: Yeah well Josh is in Toronto winning the college football championship.
Onandais Alpha159: Besides you'll have fun being torn into little pieces and sent home in a doggy bag.
Hawk Kilo264: Oh aren we the optimist*said in a growling under-the-breath mumble* Oh alright I'll do it on ONE condition - while I'm restraining that thing I can knock him around myself.
Scorpion Delta583: Sounds fair just don't take it to far.
Hawk Kilo264: Come on you know me
Onandais Alpha159: Thats why I'm having nightmares again.

*Enara glares at Hawk after him scaring her*

We still need bait for under the net Clam.......and I think I know who I would want to play that part. Don't you. *then looks to Clam, with a mischievious glint in her eyes*

Mmm, I've some idea - go on? *Clam replies, smiling*

Onandais Alpha159: We have a human post if anyone wants to use him
Hawk Kilo264: Why I ought to....
Scorpion Delta583: Come along children we have to find the monster
*Scorpion grabs them both by the ears and drags them off*
Scorpion Delta583: Gees you guys, if you don't have constant supervision you’re at each other’s throats or trying to put yourselves in the hospital.
Hawk Kilo264: That's almost better than here.
Onandais Alpha159: Hey look at this. Green slime we know who that's from.
Hawk Kilo264: Yeah but it looks like it's pouring out like a tap. ouch.
Scorpion Delta583:No kidding ouch lets follow it and see where it leads.

*sees the goup* Uh....Guys? That might not be such a good idea......*looks around nervously* I think that might be a trap old Yaka set for US.
*looks round at the bushes looking for something*

I agree *pulls a robotic bunny from her backpack* Ah, this is better! Anybody got a TV? If so, we can hook this guy up to it, and _HE_ can show us where Yakky is! Besides, if he gets smushed, he can be rebuilt, but if WE get smushed...Well...It might not be that easy (unless there's someone out there like the guy who brought the corpses back to life on the one ep of The X-Files where there were all these zombies that went around killing people and stuff - and then we'd have to get a hold of him (yuck)). What do you say?

Hawk Kilo264: So what!
*And the three musketeers ~*side note: Scorpion, Hawk, Onandais - FYI, there were actualy 4 musketeers (I know this ‘cuz I read the book) - there were Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and then d’Artagnan, who was the main character, but didn’t become a musketeer right away. Just thought I’d let you know... :) *~ go bounding through some dence trees and hit a suprise,THE YAKAMONSTER*
Onandais Alpha159: He's a ...........he's a...........he's a
Hawk Kilo264: He's a SHE
Scorpion Delta583: A mother she
Hawk Kilo264: Don't animals need a male and female for that.
Onandais Alpha159: Yeah
Hawk Kilo264: So where's daddy
Scorpion Delta583: I don't know but lets get up a tree so we don't painfully find out.
Onandais Alpha159: This would explain all the green goo we saw back there
Hawk Kilo264: This would be something I wouldn't mind not knowing.
Onandais Alpha159: Windchimes!!!
Hawk & Scorpion: Huh?
Onandais Alpha159: I just remembered that the Yakster can not resist the sound of windchimes. It's like a dog wistle for the yakster he turns harmless.
Scorpion Delta583: Then maybe we don't have to kill them just find a place for them that's like this place.
Hawk Kilo264: Saskatchewan. The land of the living skies.
Scorpion Delta583: It better have living skies cause ain't nothin' eles lives there.

*hears a noise in the bushes, in the opposite direction the boys went*
Uh......Clam.......I think now might be a good time to get in the fort for a while. *makes an about face and dashes into the fort, closely followed by Blaze.*

Hawk Kilo264: This poses an interesting problem
Scorpion Delta583: Yeah like the fact that animals and humans tend to get really touchy about their children
Onandais Alpha159: Well like I said windchimes render the Yakster harmless
Hawk Kilo264: And where are we going to get windchimes out here?
Scorpion Delta583: Who cares right now we've got to find a way of dealing with the problem at hand
Hawk Kilo264: So what do we do?
Scorpion Delta583: I don't know
Onandais Alpha159: This is giong to get worse isn't it?
Scorpion Delta583: Possibly.........!

*Meanwhile, back at the fort:*

Uh, kidding! *Clam and Storm rush inside* You know, I wish those guys had let my robotical rabbit do the dirty work! I mean, what if something goes wrong?

*goes to sit on a box, but accidentaly sits on something else* Ow! What the heck? Who put windchimes here? Oh well, might as well put it up...

*Clam goes out cautiously and puts the windchime up at the entrance to the fort, then comes back inside*

Hawk Kilo264: This is not good I'm getting more than I bargained for on this.
Onandais Alpha159: You followed me.
Hawk Kilo264: You were working on a top-secret double hush-hush something-or-rather that turned into this.
Scorpion Delta583: Would you two SHUT-UP they’re going to hear us if you don't--
Hawk Kilo264: That didn't sound healthy
*CRACK CRACK SNAP the branch the trio was on broke off and sent them to the ground and to two very angry parents*
Hawk Kilo264: We are dead
Onandais Alpha159: I don't think they're very happy to see us
Scorpion Delta583: Ow son-of-a-dog I think I broke a tooth*looks up and sees the Yaka-family* OOPS
we're dead.

*hears the cracking of the branch*...that doesn't sound think they're okay?

*pokes her head out the door, banging her head on the chimes. * ow! That hurt.

*takes them from the door then steps outside looking around, the chimes tinkling in her hand* I hope the guys are okay...

Yeah, me too...D'ya think maybe we should go after them? Maybe bring the windchimes in place of those bear bells that you wear on your backpack when going hiking? We might attract the Yakster's attention, but then again, we might also scare it off.

*Hearing the windchimes faintly*
Onandais Alpha159: Windchimes!!
Hawk Kilo264: There is a God!!!
Scorpion Delta583: Don't know how theys done it but I know theys done it. We're saved.
Onandais Alpha159: This is a good thing.
Hawk Kilo264: I'm going to thank them when we get back.
Scorpion Delta583: Well lets follow along and get back to camp.

*Clam and Enara walk down the path that the guys took, and come to a clearing, where they are startled to see three yakamonsters rolling over, wanting their bellies scratched. They see the guys dusting themselves off, and approach them*

What on earth?! How'd you get them so docille?

*stares at the Yakamonsters a stund, the windchimes still in her hand*

what the he......*looke to the guys* What did you do to them?

Scorpion:We did nothing you did it!
Onandais:The windchimes turn mr.ugly into a harmless.............thing.
Hawk:So were did the chimes come from?
Scorpion:Yeah were did they come from?
Onandais:Yo everybody it's time to partey. I've got the green light on the translator it's up and running.
Scorpion:Finally! Now we can talk to them and find out what's going on.
Hawk:Yeah like why they're here, what they want,and were they're going
Onandais:Not quite yet. The stupid thing has a disign fault, it has to power up, that may take some time and it's showing power fluctuation. It's not ready yet.
Hawk:And why is this mr.mastermind
Onandais:Well ya'gotta remember it's been how long since this things turned on.

*Clam adopts a shocked look* Us? The windchimes? Wierd! Well, the windchimes were on top of a box - I sat on them.

*looking at the traslator* Great!! But do you think we'll get anything intelligent out of them, seeing as they'

Scorpion:Good question I haven't got a clue.
Onandais:We might if I could get a steady power stream into the *#%^ing thing
Hawk:Well why not hit it like this
Onandais:Smooth moron now I have no clue what's going on I'm getting all kinds of errors now, just like when I started it up yesterday.
Hawk:How was I supposed to know that would happen
Onandais:Because computer equipment is delicate stuff
Hawk:That dosen't stop you from nailing your home computer
Onandais:That computer dosen't work anyway
Sorpion:Alright break it up you two. Sorry everyone I guess you've figured out that you have get used to these two bickering.
Onandais:Although you have to admit it's not as bad as Hawk and his girl friend.
Scorpion:Oh man, that's world war three. Don't even get close when that starts or get hammered in the cross-fire
Hawk:And you say I'm easy to throw off track. Can we get back to the problem at hand?

Go back to Fort Insanity and help fight the Yakamonster!!!