Monkey's Writing

Yes, if you're interested...This is my life. Words. Cool, eh? :)

Essays and Position Papers
To What Extent should Governments Encourage Nationalistic Feelings Among their People? - on the topic of nationalism (obviously) and its downfalls (not-so-obviously)
Was Cassius the True Villain of Julius Caesar? - My resolution: no. See why.

Songs and Poetry
Monkey's Songs - Warning: contents may seem very depressed. Please realise that the majority of the songs here are really inacurate--they're either entirely made up or extremely exagerated.
Hypocrisies - Wrote this while doing math homework...Go figure...
Ode to a Cheese Thingie - My cheese haiku.
209, The Yellow House - A haiku explaining how to get to my house.
Refrigerator Poetry - Poetry I made on a refrigerator using those nifty little word dealies... They have meanings, they do!! Seriously! Deep meanings!

Yes...Well, they wouldn't accept our submissions at the real Book-A-Minute, so this is what they get (mua ha ha!):
Macbeth-In-A-Minute - Devised by myself, Robin Haynes, and Christine Alarie.
Much Ado-In-A-Minute - My own creation. :D