Welcome to my Abode of Wackiness!

Hello! Come in, sit down, have some soup! What? YOU DON'T LIKE SOUP? Well then, you've come to the wrong place, for I am Clam Chowder, Queen of the Soups! Would you like me to sing about why you should like soup? No? Why not?

I am Alicia Nesbitt, otherwise known as Monkey, and this is my site.

You will find within a great many things that, while may be EXTRAORDINARILY interesting to me, may bore you out of your wits or make you say under your breath, "Is she insane?" Well, the truth is, I probably am... :)

So read on, and enjoy (if you can!). Stay as long as you like, but remember - THERE'S NO SOUP FOR YOU!!! :)


What's new with me at the moment? Well, since you asked... :)

Updated: Tuesday, May 14, 2002

It's a month after my birthday. Whee!

Anyway, now I have red hair again, but it's a different red! It's dark cherry red now, and it's SOO COOL! Joe bleached his. It looks cool, too :D

Perk of dyeing my hair: I think I scared off someone that I would really rather not associate with!! Seriously! Want more info? If you know the name of this individual, and you e-mail me, I'll let you in on it :)

Involved in another play now--YAY!! My friend Kelsey is directing a play called The Other Cinderella, where Cinderella is a spoiled little brat who doesn't realise how good she's got it, and her step sisters and step mother are really nice. I'm Melissa, one of the sisters, which is funny, 'cuz my oldest sister is named Melissa!! It's SO ammusing!!


The Y-Files - "The Talk is Out There..." And the truth about this link? Well, you'll have to go see, now won't you? :)
Barrel of Monkeys - Darryl's page. And I taught him HTML, so I feel proud :D This is also the guy helping me (kinda) with the school's site.
The Conspiracy: A Julius Caesar Fan Page - A page all about my most favourite Shakespeare play! I'm also very proud of this page because it was my first really experimenting with Java--YAY!!
Cat's Crazy Survey - A survey my friend, Cat Huston, sent me. It's kinda twisted, so any of my friends should like it... :)
The Lyric/Song Matching Service - Provided by MEEEE! I listen to a lot of music, and thought I should put some of my knowledge to use. Have a lyric, but not a song to match it? I'll help you with that! :)
Word/Letter Distribution - Another service I provide through this website. Go see. :)
Miscellaneous Gobelty-Goop - My links page - the name says it all... :)
Fallen Links Awareness - As in mine :) Go here (or just plain e-mail me, it matters not) if there's anything wrong with my links.

Monkey's Guestmap - Go sign! It's fun!

e-mail me at superatomic_webmonkey@hotmail.com